The research on zinc, vitamin D and testosterone
Numerous studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of zinc and vitamin D on testosterone:
- A year long study found that zinc stops age-related testosterone decline in healthy men. Zinc supplemented group maintained testosterone, while placebo group declined.
- Elite wrestlers taking zinc saw a significant boost in testosterone levels vs placebo over 4 weeks.
- Study gave zinc to infertile hypogonadal men. After 6 months the zinc group nearly doubled their testosterone.
- Multiple studies reveal that a high rate of male infertility patients are deficient in zinc. Zinc therapy leads to increased testosterone and improved fertility in most men.
- A study supplemented vitamin D deficient men with vitamin D. After a year their testosterone increased by 25%.
- Another vitamin D study in overweight men found a close correlation between vitamin D and testosterone levels. Vitamin D increased both.
In ferile and elderly patients, zinc and vitamin D supplementation reliably increase testosterone. The studies make it clear that optimization of zinc and vitamin D intake is crucial for maintaining high testosterone levels.
The Endocrine Society recommends:
- Zinc: 30 mg per day. Zinc deficient patients may require higher doses.
- Vitamin D: 1,500-2,000 IU per day. Get blood tested to personalized dosage.
To maximize testosterone, I recommend:
- Eating zinc rich foods daily like oysters, beef, chicken and nuts
- Taking a zinc supplement or multivitamin with 30 mg zinc
- Getting 15 minutes of direct sunlight daily
- Taking a vitamin D3 supplement with 1,500-2,000 IU daily
- Getting blood tested for zinc, vitamin D and testosterone levels every 6 months
Following these steps will ensure optimized zinc and vitamin D status, benefiting testicular function and testosterone production.