What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women during their reproductive years. Some key facts about PCOS:

What Causes PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors such as:

Overall, researchers believe that PCOS arises from complex interactions between these and other factors.

PCOS Symptoms and Complications

Common PCOS symptoms include:

PCOS also raises the risk for serious long-term health issues like diabetes, endometrial cancer, heart disease, and infertility.

So getting an accurate PCOS diagnosis and treatment plan is essential! If you suspect you may have PCOS, consider getting your hormone levels tested at Vitality Hormone Clinic. Our compassionate physicians specialize in hormonal conditions like PCOS, using evidence-based protocols to restore balance, reduce symptoms, and minimize future complications.

Take action now, get your hormone levels tested!

Diagnosing PCOS

There's no single test to diagnose PCOS. Your doctor will carry out a full evaluation, which may include:

The diagnosis is based on at least 2 of 3 key findings:

  1. Irregular periods/lack of ovulation

  2. High androgen levels (seen on blood tests or symptoms)

  3. Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound

Other conditions that can mimic PCOS like Cushing's syndrome may need to be ruled out as well.

Treating PCOS - Lifestyle Changes & Medications

While there's no "cure" for PCOS, symptoms can be managed effectively with lifestyle modifications and medications:

Lifestyle Changes:


The physicians at Vitality Hormone Clinic specialize in cutting-edge, integrative protocols to effectively regulate hormones, manage PCOS symptoms, restore fertility, and reduce future health risks. Contact us today to see how our personalized programs can help transform your health!

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