Postmenopause refers to the time after a woman's final menstrual period. By medical definition, a woman has reached postmenopause when she has not had a period for 12 consecutive months. The average age for the menopause transition is 51, so most women reach postmenopause in their early 50s.
Some key things to know about this stage of life:
The trusted professionals at Vitality Hormone Clinic can provide personalized guidance tailored to your symptoms and health history during the postmenopausal transition.Vitality Hormone to learn more about minimising the discomforts of menopause with bioidentical hormone therapy, nutrition plans, fitness guidance and stress management techniques.
As you embrace this new phase of womanhood, focus on nurturing your physical and emotional health. Keep an open dialogue with your healthcare provider about any concerns related to postmenopause, such as changes that affect your quality of life. Support is available to help ease the adjustment.